Why Energy Healing?
An energy healing session works to clear, charge, and balance a person’s energy field. When your energy field is in alignment, you feel good and are able to meet life’s challenges, overcome your disappointments, and have the focus and stamina to pursue your goals.
Energy healings can be useful to address a variety of physical, emotional, or spiritual concerns. These techniques can help bring greater balance to your life, provide a complementary approach to support medical treatments, and nurture greater clarity in emotionally difficult situations. Energy healing can also be beneficial to those who find themselves having a spiritual crisis or wishing to develop or deepen their connection to the divine.
“I relied on Kim’s energy healings to carry me through six weeks of chemotherapy and subsequently to fully transition to a healthy state. Allopathic medicine managed to destroy my cancer cells but I knew I needed to do much more to fully heal my body, mind, and spirit. Regular healings, once a month, for several years have had a profound affect on me. My energy has been completely restored. I am grounded in a new appreciation for life and I am moving forward in my career. Healing on a deeper level is not a quick fix, like swallowing a pill. It is a gentle unravelling and restoring of our most innate self. These healings have become a valued necessity for my health and happiness.”
My clients come from a variety of different backgrounds including health care professionals, contractors, moms, engineers, and students. They are all pursuing energy healing for different reasons but most report the following specific benefits: deep relaxation, increased energy, the ability to explore feelings in a safe space, increased personal power, decreased anxiety and stress, and the healing of physical symptoms.
The Human Energy Field
There are four dimensions of the human energy field: Physical, Auric, Haric, and Core Star. These dimensions represent progressively deepening levels of consciousness from the Physical level through the Auric level of the energy body, to the Haric level of intention, and finally to the Core Star level that represents our core essence. Generally one is only conscious of the Physical level but energy healers have been trained to work at all levels. Many of healings are focused on the Auric level. At this level the human energy field is comprised of seven chakras or energy centers. The chakras regulate how energy is distributed in the energy field and affect physical and psychological function. I also work on the Haric level to align with our life’s purpose. Core Star healings work to bring forth a client’s core essence.