Intuitive Impressions
Often I receive intuitive impressions during hands on and remote energy healings, but this type of session is specifically devoted to tuning in for intuitive impressions on a particular focus: your current work, a health concern or relationship. An intuitive impression for me can be anything from an answer to a specific question that I receive using my training to gut intuition to inspiration from you, the client! I will dive deep into your stuck place and share what I get to assist your shift back into alignment.
This session is not to read your future but rather to give you feedback on what your current energy system looks like. Also, while this is not an energy healing per se, you may feel some healing benefits following the session.
“Working with Kim has been illuminating and powerful for my own self-awareness, as well as a path forward.
Kim helped me recognize some behaviours and patterns I’d fallen into without even knowing it.
With Kim’s support, I’ve been able to recognize and change patterns that were preventing me from being my full self.
Most important thing to know about working with Kim is how gifted she is, and that she can take you as far as you’re willing to go.
“Before working with Kim I was really struggling with where I am in my career and figuring out the best path forward.
Since working with Kim, I’ve been able to articulate things that I’ve understood on some level but haven’t been able to put to words or action. Her guidance really resonated with what was in my heart but I hadn’t yet come to terms with in my head. It’s helped me evaluate my options from a very different perspective.
I love Kim’s energy, she’s so focused during a session but also so warm and creates a safe space.