
Elizabeth Bain, Intuitive Energy Guide ~ Elizabeth leads you on an energetic guided meditation and can assist with companion animals, people or houses. She and I often teach classes together.

Rose Brown ~ Rose is a sustainability maven. If you have questions or need inspiration on how to reduce your consumption of disposable goods. 

Becky Holtzman ~ Becky is a Reiki Master and travels from Indiana to teach Reiki at Hara Studio. Sign up to learn a daily self practice to aid in self care, healing and mindfulness.

Gina Kelley ~ Gina is a Somatic Experiencing practitioner, who also teaches Alexander Technique which is an energetic way of releasing tension in the body and helps to create alignment within movement. If you have structural or traumatic aches, she's very helpful.

Jaime Petralia ~ Jaime is a life coach who can assist you with identifying your obstacles, addressing them and meeting your goals. 

Autumn Starnes ~ Autumn is a massage therapist with 20 years of experience. If your body is in need of some muscular relief give her a call.

Dr. James Tickel ~ Dr. Tickel is a chiropractor who can help adjust your structural body to bring in physical healing. He also recognizes the connections between the spiritual, mental and physical.


Common Ground Healing Arts in Charlottesville, VA ~ This studio offers, yoga, massage, acupuncture on a sliding scale. 


Hands of Light, Barbara Brennan

Light Emerging, Barbara Brennan

Core Light Healing, Barbara Brennan

The Pathwork Lectures, unedited

Wheels of Life, Anodea Judith

Chakra Foods for Optimum Health, Deanna M. Minich

The Book of Chakra Healing, Liz Simpson

The Undefended Self, Susan Thesenga

Places to train for healing

Barbara Brennan School of Healing ~ this is a rigorous four year healing school that I graduated from. 

Reiki Healing ~ this is uses the “universal life energy” found in all living things to bring about healing, strong emphasis is placed on self practice. This is the Usui Shiki Ryoho lineage.

Vortex Healing ~ this is a healing lineage which uses channeling of divine line and consciousness. This is the Merlin lineage.