The vision of the When We Gather Retreat is the same as that for Hold the Line, we’ll have tough, honest conversations—we might even shed some tears or find ourselves wrestling with our own social justice shortcomings. We will be encouraged to dig deep to determine problems and deeper to come up with solutions. At times, our minds will feel heavy and challenged but in an environment that’s beautiful and respectful. We’ll balance this heart-heavy work with creative workshops, camaraderie at mealtime, memorable nights by the fire, and, of course, the ever-giving peaceful scenery of the Blue Ridge Mountains.
I’ll be leading a workshop on intention setting on Sunday, May 5th. Join us for a day of stay for the whole weekend.
Your time at the When We Gather Retreat will be thought-provoking, full of opportunities to relax, and we hope at least a little life-changing.
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