This month was the start of Circle, an ongoing energy meetup where we gather with others that are also curious about energy healing / the energy field / meditation and ask / answer questions. Below are some of the questions that came up.
How can dreams be used as healing energy?
Our dream state is often when we have the time / space to decompress and let the day unwind. Things that can enhance our sleep: maintain healthy sleep habits (be vigilant about getting the amount of rest your physical body needs), stop watching screens at least 1 hour before sleep, write down your dreams – look for archetypes / messages. Set a healing intention prior to lying down to sleep. Be open to lucid dreams / astral travel.
How can I grow my own healing energy?
Meditation, sending yourself healing energy, exercise and setting boundaries. Saying no to things and people who drain you. We all have the ability to send ourselves healing energy. You can explore this by placing your hand on a spot of your body that ache or you feels needs support. As you breathe into that area image your hand filling it with healing energy. What does that look like? Are there certain colors that show up? What feelings come up for you? What shows up when you do this?
What dietary habits and foods enhance healing energy vs. diminish our healing energy?
This question is difficult to answer on some levels because everyone’s body is different. The most helpful thing is to look at the energetics to food. If you are at a grocery store and the produce doesn’t look good – that is the energetic of it. If it doesn’t look good don’t buy it. Organic or no spray is better for the earth and you too, but if your finances aren’t in a place to make this affordable, stay away from the dirty dozen. Also you can tune into the life force of food. A bag of donuts doesn’t have the same life force as a freshly made one. Eating a sweet with a consciousness is very different than eating a pint of ice cream while scrolling on Facebook. You may recognize there are certain foods that you cannot be satisfied with – looking at this and being open to the backstory can bring in healing energy as you uncover energetic patterns. It helps to clear food prior to you consuming it, this is works when eating out or eating at home. This acts to clear and raise the vibration of the food. You can do this by placing your hands over the food and intending it to nourish you. If you’re uncomfortable doing that in public you can do it silently and just taking that time to pause can help bring in awareness.
How to find a partner on similar wavelength in Virginia?
The first thing that pops in when I read this question is there already feels like there’s a block to finding a partner in Virginia. I would explore whether there is A. a belief that you can’t find someone who you relate with that lives here or B. are you getting an intuitive hit that the person for you lives in another state. If we believe no one understands us or we can’t find someone on the same wavelength as us, then we will create constructs where people we interact with don’t get us. Or those who are on the same wavelength don’t cross our paths. Creating new neural pathways would be a start to remedying this. I would work on this in meditation or journaling. Look at what makes you believe you don’t or can’t get what you want. Do you have role models that showed compatibility or did your parents fight or model misunderstanding? Then work on healing what comes up. If you are on this wavelength there are definitely others that are too.
Want to explore your energy field with like minded folks? Attend our next Circle, November 12th 6:30 PM - 8 PM. Details here.