6th chakra

Seeing Unity

third eye chakra

Are you seeing the differences or the connections?

The third eye or 6th chakra is the chakra that’s located in the middle of our forehead and the one which moves our view from only a micro level to the macro level. Shifting the view from how it impacts my family and me to how it also impacts society. It is through this chakra that we have moved from the pollution of the 1970’s to now where it is standard to recycle and test emissions. At first the implementation of these programs probably seemed like a burden to have to sort what could be recycled versus trash, but the minor inconvenience was worth it for the greater good. There is a parable that is really great at illustrating what I am talking about. Click here if you’d like to read about the farmer’s son: a tale of fortune or misfortune. While I was staying at a resort this summer I kept seeing litter. I first thought, people are so rude, why don’t they put that in the trash or recycling can? (Judgment) First I walked past it, then my 6th chakra chimed in: you can do something about it. So I turned around and picked it up, and you know what? I transmuted that judgment about others into something positive for myself and the greater good. Through this act I was also able to release the judgment. It reminded me again I always have a choice. So, if you see some trash sitting about, I highly recommend picking it – you may be surprised how much better you feel.
This chakra is the place where our intuition can come in but also can be blocked when we start to doubt. When you start questioning yourself or going in circles about a decision, often you get even more confused – this is a clear sign that your third eye is closing or not fully open. This is also the place where we are able to recognize the silver linings or gifts that come from illness, death or a painful breakup.
When our 6th chakra is balanced and open we can come up with a good idea and are able to recognize the steps required to carry it out. We can use our intuition, wisdom, and judgment to bring things to fruition.
A couple months ago a family member said something to me that I took as a criticism and instead of being able to evaluate it, I felt anger and shame. Apparently my 6th chakra was off, because fast forward 3 months and that same family member said that same thing to me and this time I saw they were really saying it as a acknowledgement of all what I do and this time I could take it in as a compliment. A friend of mine often says, “Humans are fascinatingly bizarre creatures.” Yes, we are.

Here's a brief overview of the third eye chakra.
Physical level: The 6th chakra governs the eyes and pituitary gland.

Psychological level: When this chakra is balanced we are able to trust our intuition and are able to clearly see things but not be judgmental.
Spiritual: This governs our intellectual understanding and clarity.

If your third eye chakra is off you may notice the following:

  • Headaches
  • Vision problems
  • Insomnia
  • Sinus issues
  • Inability to carry out your ideas
  • Inability to feel clear about a decision
  • Tendency to be judgmental
  • Anxiety
  • Hallucinations / paranoia

Some suggestions for opening your 6th chakra and bringing your chakra back into balance:

  • Experience indigo light emanating out from your middle of your forehead.
  • Massage your forehead.
  • Yoga poses: standing forward bend, head to knee pose, dolphin pose and child’s pose.
  • Affirmations: I am open to my inner guidance. I trust my feelings. I am full of wisdom.
  • Meditate.
  • Stop checking your phone or electronic devices 1 hour before bed.
  • Essential oils; geranium, lavender, clary sage, grapefruit and sandalwood.

If you’re feeling you need some support with this chakra or just to rebalance from the summer shifts click here to schedule a session.