How have you been dealing as this pandemic continues to surge? How have you been integrating this call to action spurred by George Floyd's murder? Are you feeling charged? Depleted? Inconsistent? We are still struggling to find our way amidst the cancellations of many things we previously enjoyed and the transmutation of a life we knew, and we have been summoned to address how black people in this country are treated. Both the pandemic and the Black Lives Matter movement are stirring up our relationship with power. Here are ways you might be experiencing this in your chakras.
1st chakra: the root chakra governs culture and family. You might be feeling scared, what does it mean when I thought the police protected everyone but they actually and now I see that they don’t. I hear people are calling for defunding the police – what does this even mean? Or this might be bringing up feelings of relief, finally more people are waking up to the reality that the police do not protect all. How can I still feel connected to my power when it feels like my ground is shaky?
2nd chakra: the sacral chakra governs creativity, sexuality, flow and emotions. This chakra might be feeling the tug of the push and pull of power. Bringing both I want to make a difference versus sit down and be quiet. You might be playing out this in your interpersonal relationships (who has more power or access or freedom), perhaps it is mimicking the dynamics playing out in race, politics, beliefs and how to address this pandemic in your personal relationships. You might be experience feelings of guilt, shame, rage or maybe when you come to a disagreement point you pull out your righteous indignation to put another person in their place.
3rd chakra: the solar plexus governs personal power and will. This chakra is the birthplace of social movements and carries the fire and passion that can bring about social change. This may bring up the feelings of how (if we are white) we have systematically benefited at the expense of black people and this has spurred us to learn more or stand up for others or call for change, while others of us may still not be clear (stuck energy in the 3rd chakra can show up as confusion) on what is happening or why. Or might bring in feelings of having more or less power. 3rd chakra is where we can feel responsibility. From this place we can take action or relinquish responsibility and pull shoulders forward to protect and shield the 3rd chakra.
4th chakra: the heart chakra governs interpersonal relationships (like with family) as well as relationships with the outside world (like with friends, coworkers, people who you interact with at a store). Perhaps this has forced you to examine what you can do to show support for people of color and where and how you can act on this. Some feel the need to be out in the community protesting and others feel they aren’t safe to do so. Some want to quickly move to saying ‘we are all one.’ This statement is a way to diminish the power held by white people. To be in a healthy relationship we must examine the ways in which we share or hoard power. Just as the saying “I don’t see color” erases the individuals so does “we are all one. ” When we connect and build relationships out of this chakra we want to be careful not to erase people as a way to ease any heart pain we might carry as a result of our actions or inactions.
5th chakra: the throat chakra governs self-expression and speaking your truth, as well as taking in and assimilating. Many black people are speaking out and perhaps you wonder – why are they so loud? Or why didn’t I know about this? Or maybe you feel the call to speak up along side them or post frequently on social media. We often feel the need to speak louder or post when we have not been heard. When you attend a protest one of the unifying things is the call and return, the chant, the hearing of the message said by a collective voice. How do we take in and assimilate the messages we hear? Do we automatically dismiss them? Do we feel the power to speak up when someone says something we disagree with? Do we feel the need to deny someone else’s reality if they tell us how scary it is to be black in America?
6th chakra: the third eye governs wisdom. Our perception of safety in society or systems is stirred up. Maybe you feel like your worldview is upside down or maybe you feel like - finally! No more gaslighting, the world sees how racism isn’t about just a handful of racist individuals it’s how systems are in place to keep people oppressed. This chakra is where the learning or unlearning takes place. If you doubt yourself or your actions, it is likely your third eye is closing or closed. You want this open to bring in the ability to generate new thoughts as well as the ability to carry out actions.
7th chakra: the crown chakra governs connection to divine. It is through this chakra that we might struggle with power the most. Who do you surrender your power to? Perhaps you question if there is a higher power if there is so much cruelty or so much harm. Or maybe you rally against any type of changes. While these times have been overwhelming and uncomfortable, they hold the potential for great change and a shift in how we use our power. This would be a great time to tune into your energy field and meditate on the concept of power.
Some questions to explore in meditation:
How do you use the power you have?
How do you misuse the power you have?
Who do you give your power away too?
Who do you take power from?
What situations do you feel powerless in?
What situations make you feel in control?
Where in your body do you hold the feeling of powerlessness?
What does your body feel like when you feel powerful?
Are there things (foods, beverages, news, people) that you consume that drains you?
How can you use your power to bring about change?
When we bring awareness to the ways in which we give up our power, keep others from their power or are being held back from our power, we can begin to explore how to make shifts to bring about a more equitable distribution. If you need a healing I am available for distance sessions and starting July 15th I will once again be offering in person sessions. I have more information here on what an in-person session looks like during Covid-19.
take care ~ Kim